Lunch This Year
December 15, 2021
There have been a lot of changes to school this year, one of the most impactful ones being the lunch. In 2019 many people enjoyed the lunch, it had a variety of options and delicious drinks for people to enjoy. Now there are only 2-week rotations and drinks and other extra items have been removed. I have talked with many students to get their take on lunch this year. First I am meeting with Lena Bruck who believes that the lunch has been “very disappointing and that the food is not as good as it was freshman year.” She enjoys pasta day but is starting to feel like it is repetitive and would like a change to the menu, in addition, she feels like “wingdings need to be eradicated.” My next interviewee is Nina Laurie, who does not really enjoy the lunch at all, in fact, she found a raw wingding on her plate one day during her Period 3 class. Many students have also wondered why when they purchased the lunch plan, that it wasn’t mentioned that there would be two-week rotations. With two-week rotations, even the food that isn’t too bad gets very annoying at some point; and with no refunds allowed, families cannot switch to making their own lunch. Thankfully a lunch survey was recently sent out, and now students are able to voice their many opinions on the lunch. The food should definitely be changed, but the staff is amazing and very nice. The only thing that I and many people believe should stay is the staff. Besides that, hopefully, a profuse amount of adjustments are made to the lunch program.