In the current 2024-2025 school year, the Flint Hill Upper School has seen some major changes to the semester schedule. Specifically, the first semester ended before winter break, and there are no longer...
By Serene Zhu, Managing Editor
• December 19, 2024
Over Thanksgiving break, Flint Hill’s Classics Club attended the 2024 VJCL State Convention in Richmond, which lasted from Sunday, November 24, to Monday, November 25. The VJCL (Virginia Junior Classical...
The Poetry Out Loud Recitation Contest, hosted by the Poetry Out Loud® program, is an annual nation-wide poetry recitation and performance competition. Since its founding in 2005, Poetry Out Loud has...
Flint Hill’s ‘Gloco’ Homecoming was held the night of Saturday, September 28th, making the prior week Homecoming-spirit-week. To celebrate the leadup to Gloco, each day was assigned an optional dress...
By Serene Zhu, Section Editor
• September 18, 2024
On July 9, Virginia’s “bell to bell” cell phone policy was issued by Governor Glenn Youngkin through Executive Order 33. Starting this school year, the policy states that public school students’...
Many students complain that they don’t see themselves ever using the skills they learn in certain classes in school. However, this would never be the case with a financial literacy course. Financial...
On Wednesday, February 7, all female and nonbinary students of the Flint Hill Upper School were invited to celebrate National Girls and Women in Sports Day. National Girls and Women in Sports Day is an...
The Upper School’s 2023 Fall Dance production Kaleidoscope, A Celebration of Dance, was a huge success. “Kaleidoscope was very fun, and I will certainly have many positive memories from the experience....
Clubs are an integral part of the Flint Hill community. Each year, countless new student-led clubs as well as veteran returning clubs open up for the community to join and participate in. With three main...
As the third quarter of the school year comes to an end, Flint Hill encourages students to start thinking about their course selections for the following 2023 - 2024 school year.
Using the...
Registration is now open for 2023’s Summer on the Hill, a lineup of different summer camps for ages 3 - 18. Every year, Flint Hill offers a huge variety of summer camps and activities for students attending...
The Math Center recently opened for service, and students can stop by room B216 in the math hallway during any ALS (activity lab studio) block to receive free tutoring. Their faculty sponsor this year...
The Flint Hill community is very excited for this Fall’s upcoming play production. The humor-filled “whodunit” murder mystery (based on the 1985 film and Hasbro board game), Clue, will be brought...
By Serene Zhu, Section Editor
• September 28, 2022
This fall, the Upper School play is inspired by a murder mystery game: Clue. Flint Hill students auditioned on Tuesday, September 6 and Wednesday, September 7. Freshman Maisie Herrick, who is playing the...