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Reviewing School Spirit: Understanding the Shift in Flint Hill’s Spirit Week Policy


To kick off Flint Hill’s basketball season with a bang, the school collectively participates in the second Spirit Week of the year (following Homecoming), which coincides with the season’s first basketball game. Typically, students should expect a set of “themes” to be sent out by organizations like the SCA (Student Council Advisory) or AAC (Athletic Advisory Council) explaining what attire they should wear from Monday to Thursday of that week to represent school spirit. These themes vary from “Jersey Day,” where students wear their favorite athletic jerseys, to “Tropical Out,” when everyone wears Hawaiian shirts and leis. The goal of these Spirit Days is to unify the student body and push school spirit through Friday- the day of the Pep Rally and tip-off- when everyone participates in the “White Out” theme. 

Many students were surprised when there was no announcement about Spirit Week themes from student-based organizations. After communicating with Dean of Students Howard Chang, Director of Athletics Dewayne Robinson, and a member of the SCA, Junior Min Kim, I discovered the reasoning for the cancellation.

 Kim explained that somebody told the SCA that the student body was permitted two Spirit Weeks for the 23-24 school year because the school wants to limit the number of days students can wear attire outside the dress code. Kim explained that although, on “Tropical Out,” students wear Hawaiian shirts that are technically in the dress code, they look very casual, and the school wants to avoid leisure-like attire this year and going forward. Kim ended our conversation by saying that limiting our number of Spirit Weeks is not to “take away school spirit,” but to improve the professionalism represented within the student body through clothes. In reviewing Flint Hill’s Spirit Week policy and the subsequent reduction in the number of themed weeks, it becomes evident that this limitation comes from the school’s commitment to creating a more professional atmosphere while nurturing a sense of school spirit and pride. By allowing this balance between building a spirited community and upholding a more formal appearance, the school aims to form an environment where students can still express their enthusiasm while presenting a polished and respectful image. 

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