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Head trauma is a constant concern for football players.
Head trauma is a constant concern for football players.
Photo Credit: Arman Azad

Husky Commitments


As the 2024 school year unfolds, we celebrate the remarkable achievements of our senior class with a special spotlight on those who have committed to competing at the collegiate level. These dedicated athletes have excelled in their respective sports and demonstrated extraordinary athletic and academic perseverance. 

Their journey from high school fields and courts to college arenas is a testament to hard work and passion. To examine these inspiring individuals, I have briefly discussed the commitment and decision-making process with each of them individually. As we highlight the impressive accomplishments of these athletes, it’s clear that their choices are unique and pertain to different aspects of their selected schools. 

Senior Isabel Bardin discusses how her choice to commit to Purdue for volleyball stemmed from her on-campus experience. “When I went, the team was very welcoming, and the coaches’ philosophy aligned with mine. And I’ve always wanted to go to a bigger school. Purdue checked all my boxes because I also wanted to maintain a good balance of academics and a really good volleyball program.”  

Similarly, senior Kadi Pynchon, ‘25, who is committed to Lafayette College for volleyball, states, “Lafayette has a strong sense of community in their team culture, and that’s what drew me to the program.” 

Alanna Jones, senior committed to playing field hockey at Stevenson University, says, “I chose Stevenson because of the balance between academics and athletics, the real-world experiences you gain with your major, and the field hockey facilities, especially the coaches.” 

“I chose to commit to Army because when I got on campus, it felt like family when talking to the coaching staff, and it was also an amazing opportunity for my future,” says Victor Mcneal, senior, who has committed to Army West Point for football. 

Brady Fitzgerald, who has just announced his commitment to Marymount for lacrosse, says, “Marymount had everything I wanted as far as lacrosse—a great coach and an even better community.”   

Although they are attending vastly different colleges, their dedication to their respective sports is also reflected in their desire for a supportive community and a well-rounded education. No matter the school, all our committed athletes are prepared to make a significant impact on and off the field. With the addition of existing commitments and many more to come, we look forward to following the journeys of these athletes as they transition to this exciting new chapter in their athletic and academic lives.

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