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Class of 2025 Flint Hill Lifers Reflect


On September 16, Flint Hill hosted its annual All-School Gathering. For the Flint Hill community, it is a momentous ceremony in which grades JK through 12th come together to represent and celebrate the journey and phases students go through to get to their final year before graduating and stepping into the world as an adult. 

Most prominently, lifers, or current seniors who have attended Flint Hill throughout their entire academic career, are put into the spotlight as they are called to light the lamp of the year. This lamp will continue to be lit until all of the seniors complete their graduation requirements, endorsing the accomplishments of the Class of 2025.

However, who are these lifers? What is so significant about being at Flint Hill for so long and how has it transformed the perspectives of these students?

Seniors Sabrina Michl and Bridget Frank, current Class of 2025 lifers, answered a few questions that summarized their experience at Flint Hill High School. 


What is your most significant memory during your time at Flint Hill?

“My favorite memory at Flint Hill was definitely the ice cream socials each grade used to do with the old headmaster Mr Thomas. They were a lot of fun.” – Sabrina Michl

“I’ve loved bird banding with Mr. Atwood during my time at the high school. It’s been great getting hands-on experience in wildlife research right here on campus.” – Bridget Frank


What characteristics have you become most fond of during your time at Flint Hill? 


“Over time I’ve realized how hard each teacher works to make this school into the community it is. When I was younger, I wasn’t really able to appreciate all the work that goes into this school, but it made a strong impact on who I am today.”- Sabrina Michl


“Flint Hill has always encouraged free thinking and exploration through its curriculum, which I’ve enjoyed. I’ve also had so many great teachers over the years.” – Bridget Frank


Finally, what advice would you give to those who are going to Flint Hill?

“My advice would be to try everything– It’s a bit cliche but Flint Hill has a lot of opportunities people don’t take advantage of and they’re missing out.” – Sabrina Michl

“Don’t take it for granted. We have so many incredible resources, opportunities, and faculty members that are here to support us.” – Bridget Frank


After interviewing and meeting both Michl and Frank, I was reminded of the husky code: “Today I promise to do my best; to respect myself, others and my world; to be a responsible and honest Husky; and to show compassion to all.” These two fully embody the core values that make our community the warm and inclusive place it is. It was an honor to interview them and The View cannot wait to meet next year’s lifers.

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