*Photo credits go to the Flint Hill Instagram (@flinthillschool)
January 13, 2023, marked the end of the first semester and second quarter of the 2022-23 school year; However, this is also the last semester of high school for the senior graduating class of 2023. In commemoration of Flint Hill seniors, some have been asked to share their emotions regarding their last semester, their Senior Project, and advice for the rest of the Flint Hill high school community.
Having braved high school for the last four years, seniors have experienced the ins and outs of what it means to be a determined student. However, there is only one semester left of their senior year, and this comes with a mix of emotions. One graduating senior, Kathleen White, has said that “it’s a little more difficult to get out of bed when my alarm goes off, and it’s a little bit easier to push an assignment off to tomorrow. I’m definitely more relaxed now that I’ve been accepted to college.”
While some look back on their high school years with bittersweet memories, the future ahead of them is just as exciting. Regarding this, senior Aahna Patel has said, “It feels really good to know that it is the last semester and all college applications are in. It is just a bit scary still waiting to hear back from colleges, but I think I will be a lot more excited once I know where I am going.”
Apart from excitement for the future beyond, seniors have been assigned a major task to mark the end of their high school milestone: Senior Projects. Per the Flint Hill “Senior Project Guidebook” tile on the Husky Hub Resource board, “The purpose of the Senior Project is to culminate each student’s Flint Hill School career with an educational experience tailored to individual interests.” Some examples are taking up internships or taking part in non-profit service work and providing insight as to what students have learned. For some seniors, “Finding someplace to intern for such a short period of time is proving incredibly difficult,” said White. However, some have already begun working on or brainstorming toward this capstone of high school.
“I am still trying to figure out what to do for mine. I aim to go to New Jersey and volunteer for the building of the largest Hindu temple in the world. They have opportunities to do site work there and volunteer, and I believe this would be a great project to end my high school years and teach me about tolerance and making a difference,” said Patel. As seniors begin working towards finishing high school strong, they have also accumulated tips, tricks, and general advice for students, old and new. For rising seniors, White has advised, “Do your college applications early and listen to the counselors.” Despite the heavy workload, many seniors alike advise you not to procrastinate and use your office hours opportunities. Patel also mentioned this, saying, “Overall, I’d say to just make use of every opportunity here and do as much as you can, because before you know it, you will be graduating.”
These past four years have had some major ups and downs regarding Covid-19 and our process of reuniting as a Flint Hill community. However, the class of 2023 has been able to blaze the trail for the younger grades and provide notable examples of prevailing through hardships. For the class of 2023, everyone wishes you good luck in completing your senior year and for the years to come. Go Huskies!
*Photo credits go to the Flint Hill Instagram (@flinthillschool)